It’s Nobel season, as you’ve certainly noticed. What you might be less aware of is that the Nobel Foundation maintains an interesting web-site at Since 2001, all the Nobel lectures have been video-taped, and the videos are all available at the site. Each of the Nobel Laureates since 2001 has also been interviewed, and since 2004, the Nobel Laureates in physics, medicine, chemistry and economics have participated in round-table discussions, and there have been documentaries produced about each of the Laureates. So there’s quite a lot of material to view for all tastes and scientific interests.

The site is a little awkwardly organized, but you can find your way around. As one random starting point that might be of interest, here’s the page about the 2006 Prize in Medicine, to Andrew Fire and Craig Mello, for the discovery of RNA interference.

While on the subject of the Nobel Prize, I can’t resist adding the priceless reaction of Doris Lessing, this year’s Nobel Laureate in Literature, to learning that she won the prize.

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One Response to “”

  1. Robert Says:

    Poor old Doris. Within six months she had given away the Proze money and generally regretted the impact the whole thing had had on her twilight years.

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